The Calibration menu is used to manage all records and reports for Calibrated Items. In addition to an Item Master record, Calibration records contain data pertaining to calibrated items only. For example:
- Import information (e.g. range, limitations, tolerance) that is used to determine the validly of use for the item is displayed during issue process.
- Calibration history, such as calibration date, status, costs of materials, cost of labor, humidity, procedures and standards used
- Calibration interval based on duration (either days or months), number of uses or duration of issue.
- Automated recalculation of interval based on previous history.
There are over 32 canned calibration reports included with this module. Examples of some of the major reports are:
- Items Due For Calibration
- Master Listings
- Overdue Item
- Out Of Calibration History
- Standards Usage
- Procedure Master
- Out Of Tolerance Reporting
- Issue History Logs
- Outage Use Requirements
- Invoicing
- Inactive Item Reporting
In addition for calibrated items if you wish to track usage history the Measuring and Test Equipment module might be just the ticket.